
...Music is the only true language...

About us... what's there to tell 

We are a bunch of guys, since always interested in music and also in the art of making it. The way we found together was more off an accident or fate as others would call it, than planed and build. Strangely it matched. The love for music... real music - and the ability to play an instruments or sing, made us sit together in a bunker deep down below surface, week by week, drinking beer and thinking about the sense of life and getting more pale. 

When we started, we where doing covers and after a while we realized that we suck at it... or at least found out that there are a lot cover bands which are so accurate and that coping something was just not ours to do... 

So we started writing our own songs... not to many chords to keep it easy, but always with the ambition not to be lame. If we succeeded with this, you have to find out by yourselves - as perception is individual. Go take a listen... 

We also never wanted to be thrown in a box like "Rock" or so, and we don't think we need a red line in our style. It doesn't matter if it's called Jazz, Pop, Funk, Blues, Wave or Rock - we have a signature to our sounds anyway. So why restricting? 

If any of your questions about us have been answered with this text, we are really sorry... Feel free to contact us and if you want to know something further, feel free to ask (not that we would answer, but maybe you are lucky and we make a mistake). Contact us...